Thu, Sep 21, 2023

NHCP, TSU settle plans for historical marker installation

National Historical Commission of the Philippines representatives, led by Commissioner Dr. Lino L. Dizon, met with their counterparts from Tarlac State University today (September 21) at the Main AVR to finalize the plans for the installation of the marker pedestal in commemoration of the Philippines' 125th independence and nationhood. 
by Maria Adelaida D. Calayag   – 2023 News  |  TSU History


National Historical Commission of the Philippines representatives, led by Commissioner Dr. Lino L. Dizon, met with their counterparts from Tarlac State University today (September 21) at the Main AVR to finalize the plans for the installation of the marker pedestal in commemoration of the Philippines' 125th independence and nationhood. 

Tarlac, the last revolutionary capital of President Emilio Aguinaldo's Republic in 1899, will be honored with a 1.8-meter marker pedestal set to stand in front of the Main Campus Administration Building. 

According to Engr. Leonidas Ongkingco, NHCP Engineer III, the Commission will only provide TSU with the marker pedestal design and installation, and the university will decide about the site's landscaping and further beautification. 

The NHCP and TSU agreed to unveil the marker on June 21, 2024, which coincides with the 125th anniversary of the Aguinaldo Republic's transfer to Tarlac from Bamban town, per Teodoro M. Kalaw's accounts, as relayed by Comm. Dizon. 

Former president Aguinaldo stayed in Casa Real de Tarlac when Tarlac became the revolutionary capital in 1899. This is where Aguinaldo signed significant decrees, like the prohibition of the merchant vessels flying the American flag from territories held by the Philippine Republic, the organization of the Supreme Court and inferior courts, and the promulgation of the General Orders of the Army.  

A historical marker can also be seen at the foremost College of Engineering building from the entrance gate, the Casa Real's original site.  

Aside from Comm. Dizon and Engr. Ongkingco, the NHCP was also represented by Ar. Dan Paul Awarayan, history researchers Juvelyn Nierves and Aljon Concillado, and Ronie Plete. 

They also visited the Museo Archivo Tarlaqueño, where Comm. Dizon and Prof. Jose Russell S. Arador, Tarlaqueno Studies Head, showed them the old Casa Real de Tarlac photos. (jlmm-OPA)

Photos by Franc Lewis R. Juanatas

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